Dry Ject

Fortify Your Soil

Add AmpJectSand+ to your traditional sand mix while mechanically aerifying your soil to increase the beneficial carbon levels (OM) in your root zone. Our 85/15 mix contains OM levels that are achieved throughout a ceramic bonding and drying process.

Fortify your soil with AmpJectSand+! Our unique mix contains the basic building blocks that plain sand or inorganic materials lack when amending or fortifying root zones.

Fortify Your Soil

Add AmpJectSand+ to your traditional sand mix while mechanically aerifying your soil to increase the beneficial carbon levels (OM) in your root zone. Our 85/15 mix contains OM levels that are achieved throughout a ceramic bonding and drying process.

Fortify your soil with AmpJectSand+! Our unique mix contains the basic building blocks that plain sand or inorganic materials lack when amending or fortifying root zones.


  • Increases beneficial carbon levels,
  • Contains the basic building blocks that plain sand or inorganic materials lack,
  • Fortifies root zones,
  • Catalyst Technology that promotes increased nutrient efficiency.

Fortifies your soil