With agronomic and bio-chemistry advances, the benefits of growth hormones for maximizing plant performance have been seen throughout agriculture.


TB-3 brings these same advantages to sports field turf and professional sod producers in a package that also includes vital nutrients for growth.


As a tool for finishing, TB-3 will prepare your turf for the rigors of the playing season, or for harvest. Color, plant strength and resistance to stress are all enhanced with TB-3, helping give your turfgrass its look before and after a high wear or high stress event.

Click here to download TB-3 Fact Sheet

Click here to download the TB-3 Safety Data Sheet

TB-3 Benefits


  • An ideal nutritional solution for “finishing” turfgrass before harvest or heavy wear
  • Suppresses growth while enhancing root development and mass
  • Maximizes turf color
  • Chelated nutrients with Active Carbon Complex
  • Enhances plant’s resistance to stresses
  • Retards senescence
  • Will not corrode application equipment
  • Highly soluble


Enhanced Turf Growth


The powerful combination of Cytokinin, Kinetin, Gibberellic, Indole-3 and Auxins enhance cell elongation and root development. Stronger roots means greater access to soil nutrients and more vibrant turf.

Enhances Plant Stress


The growth hormones in TB-3 have been shown to increase turf resistance to temperature and drought, and enhance the plant’s resistance to both biotic and abiotic stresses, preparing your turf for extreme conditions.

Maximizes Turfgrass Color


With a blend of micro-nutrients and growth hormones, TB-3 delivers a powerful combination of proven ingredients to improve turf color at just the right time.


Turf growth hormones –often referred to as Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) serve vital functions at the finishing stage of turf readiness:

  • Suppresses growth without stopping, minimizing mowing requirements by targeting vertical growth
  • Mitigates senescence
  • Stimulates the plant’s natural stress resistance
  • Enhances cell elongation and cell division
  • Enhances root development, increasing root depth and mass


These hormones, combined with nutrients chelated through Active Carbon Complex Technology, offer a powerful tool for optimum turf appearance and strength.